
Folsom/North Sac & South Sac 2024 CRPA Joint Chapter Sport Clay Shoot

October 12, 2024 10:00 am
October 12, 2024 2:00 pm
Camache Hills Hunting Preserve
2951 Curran Road
Ione , CA

Who: For local chapters of gun owners & families (Shooters must be 14 or older)
What: Shotgun shoot, all levels of shooters are welcome as there will be instruction and shoot
challenges for shooters to try.
When: Saturday, Oct 12, 2024, 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
Where: Camanche Hills Hunting Preserve
Why: A fun, safe, social shooting event to get us together.
Check-in at the Clubhouse and its $45 per person per round. We are reserved to do the
Blue course.
Firearm: Any 12 or 20 gauge shotgun that can shoot two rounds (over/under. semi, pump)
Ammo: Recommend bringing at least 100 shells (ammo will be for sale at the range)
Other: Bring something to hold the shells (a shooting vest or cartridge belt with shell bags
attached), along with eye and ears protection. It also maybe warm the day we shoot, so
bring water, and a wide-brim hat.
Randy Yan has been lined up to provide basic shotgun instruction at $25 per person. This is
a great way to learn how to use a shotgun or brush up on your skills. You also get a good
example of the different types of shotgun shooting disciplines.