CRPA Board Election Information
We are beginning our 2025 processes for those who are interested in serving on the CRPA Board of Directors or on a member Program Support Committee. This is an exciting time for CRPA. We are looking for members who are willing and able to give of their time in order that CRPA may continue to grow.
Qualifications for Serving on the Board of Directors, According to the Bylaws:
Any person actively desiring to serve as a Director on the Board of CRPA must:
1) Have been a continuous life member, for a period of three years;
2) Have at least 32 hours of volunteer service with the CRPA;
3) Have served at least one year on any CRPA Committee;
4) Have a place of residence in the state of California;
5) Complete a Conflict of Interest Disclosure form and agree to uphold the mission and goals of the CRPA prior to taking office as a Director;
6) Possess the appropriate qualifications and experience, skills, education, or expertise to make a positive contribution to a state-wide association;
7) Be over the age of 18 years at the time of nomination.
For Those Qualified Members Interested in Applying for a Director Position:
The members election process begins with those interested individuals contacting our office and requesting an application packet by December 27, 2024. The completed paperwork must be submitted to the CRPA office no later than December 27, 2024. The CRPA Nominating Committee will review those applicants who meet the requirements to serve and will determine, in the best interest of the Association, the official ballot to be submitted to the membership for voting. Those individuals nominated to the official ballot will be contacted at the beginning of February and the official ballot will appear in the March/April issue of The Firing Line magazine.
If you are interested in being considered by the Nominating Committee for a Board position, please complete the enclosed documents and submit to no later than December 27, 2024. You may also mail your completed documents to CRPA, 271 East Imperial Hwy., Suite 620, Fullerton, CA 92835.
For Those Interested in Serving on a Program Support Committee:
There is more opportunity for members to serve on several Program Support Committees. These include: 1) Communications & Technology 2) Hunting & Wildlife Conservation 3) Legislative Affairs 4) Historical Arms Exhibit 5) Law Enforcement and 6) Shooting & Training.
We are very excited to have more member participation in all of the work currently going on at CRPA!
If you are interested in serving on one of these committees, please contact by December 27, 2024
Committees may meet regularly for approximately one hour to discuss the issues concerning that committee. Some committees may meet more infrequently and only as needed. This will be determined by the Committee Chairperson. All Committees will have a member of the Board of Directors to serve as the Chairperson and to report the committee activity to the Board at their regular meetings.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact CRPA at 714-992-2772.
Those members interested in applying to serve on the Board of Directors CLICK HERE
Those members interested in applying to serve on a Program Support Committee CLICK HERE
*Please note that applicants are not automatically placed on the ballot or on the board. Please review the criteria above carefully to make sure you qualify. Being placed on the ballot or the Board/committees also takes into account the number of individuals necessary for quorum and being able to effectively conduct business of the Association.
Thank you for your interest.