DOJ Proposes Regulations Regarding “Firearm Precursor Parts”
California will soon require every person who wishes to purchase a “firearm precursor part” to first undergo a background check process nearly identical to that which California currently uses for ammunition sales. The only problem is no one knows for certain what exactly is a “firearm precursor part.”
Yesterday, CA DOJ submitted proposed “emergency” regulations to the Office of Administrative Law for review and public comment. Because the proposal was submitted on an “emergency” basis,” members of the public only have five calendar days to submit comments on the proposal. CRPA attorneys are currently analyzing the contents of the proposal and will be submitting comments on behalf of its members.
Until then, we encourage all our members to review DOJ’s proposal and submit their own comments. Such comments are important because DOJ must review and respond to every comment before submitting a final proposal for adoption.
The text of DOJ’s proposed regulations can be viewed here.
DOJ has also created a “Firearm Precursor Part Identification Guidebook” in connection with their proposal that can be viewed here.
Any comments must be submitted in writing, contain a notation that the comment is for consideration by California’s Office of Administrative Law (“OAL”), identify the topic of the emergency regulations, and be submitted simultaneously to both DOJ and OAL at the following addresses:
Office of Administrative Law
200 Capitol Mall, Suite 1250
Sacramento, CA 95814
California Department of Justice
Attn: Kevin Sabo
P.O. Box 160487
Sacramento, CA 95816
Be sure to include the following information whether submitting comments via U.S. Mail or E-mail:
Comments On Emergency Rulemaking Action Currently Under OAL Review – Firearm Precursor Parts (OAL File # 2022-0222-04E)
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