
Folsom North Sacramento & South Sacramento County Gun Owners: A CRPA Chapter Fun Pistol Shoot

November 4, 2023 8:30 am
November 4, 2023 2:00 pm
Sacramento Valley Shooting Center
15501 Meiss Road
Sacramento, CA 95683
Check-in at Range 10, starting at 8:30 a.m. for waivers and Range Fee collection (bring correct cash)

Folsom Non-Member: $20, Folsom Shooting Club member: $16, Folsom Shooting Club voting member: $9
Firearm: Any legal handgun,
Ammo: Recommend bringing at least 100 rounds (NO ammo will be for sale at the range)
Other: Its the last chapter shoot of the year. Bring some chairs and water, and being winter, prepare for possible wind.