
Your Help Needed! Stop New FFL Fees In San Diego!

February 4, 2025

Tomorrow, February 5th, the Budget and Government Efficiency Committee of the San Diego City Council will be discussing more potential fee increases for FFL’s in San Diego.

California FFL’s currently have to navigate state regulations and fees like no other state in the nation. On top of that, they are suffering the consequences of an 11% tax instituted the the legislature just last year. But that’s not enough for the City of San Diego. The Police Department will be proposing an increase in user fees for Alarm Permits, Employees, Dealers, and Second Hand Dealers!

These are the grains of sand that make a heap! You can take action! Let the San Diego City Council know that the firearms community refuses to stand by and watch local and state government drive businesses away!

You can advocate by showing up to the meeting and voicing your opposition in public comment as well as by clicking here to send your opposition letter OR by attending the meeting and addressing the committee directly:

The Budget and Government Efficiency Committee of the
City Council of the City of San Diego
Wednesday, February 5th, 2025 at 9:00AM
City Administration Building – 12th Floor
202 “C” Street, San Diego, CA 92101