
Just What We Need, More Laws From Sacramento

October 3, 2024

The push for gun control in the California Legislature is relentless.  Wading through over 6,000 bills considered in the recently-completed legislative session, CRPA pushed back on every firearm restriction proposed by an increasingly anti-2A group of lawmakers.  Some bills were killed outright, others watered down, but still 16 bills ended up with the Governor’s signature that merit attention from lawful gun owners.

To help make sense of the chaos, CRPA Legislative Director Rick Travis stopped in to CRPA TV to discuss what gun owners need to know about these bills.  Make sure to check out the description of the video on YouTube for bill numbers that will help lead you to more information.


The constant push for restrictions on lawful gun ownership points up the importance of the upcoming election.  While we may be unlikely to elect a supermajority of pro-2A legislators, many of our advocacy successes in recent years were achieved by the most slender margins and, quite often, with the help of members who are familiar with the positive impact of gun owners within their communities.

Make sure you register, vote, and join your local CRPA Chapter to ensure our collective voice continues to be heard loud and clear in Sacramento!